The long term future of the USA depends on security.

There are three levels of security that determine the future of a nation, physical security, economic security, and emotional security.  Without physical security the others aren’t possible, so I’ll begin there.

Physical security starts with secure borders.  It’s easier to keep the bad guys out than to recover from the damage they can do.  Any immigration reform must include improved border security.

It includes a strong military so that any hostile actions can be overwhelmingly crushed.  It doesn’t mean using the military to be “world police” or to try to impose our political system on countries where it simply wouldn’t work.

It includes law enforcement at Federal, state, and local levels to fight crime and maintain order.  They must communicate with each other.  It doesn’t mean having a “secret police” that can be used to suppress honest citizens.

It includes emergency response agencies that can quickly deliver aid in the event of natural or man-made disasters.  Health responders must have a supply of drugs critical to epidemic control.

It requires a strong, modern, and secure infrastructure that supports reliable  communication and the movement of resources within the country.

It includes a strong manufacturing base and a strategic materials stockpile.  Any total loss of a capability, such as the recent closure of the last lead smelter by the EPA, could become a weakness during a global conflict.  Don’t count on other countries to look out for us.

It requires cities to be prepared for the types of problems they might experience in their area such as flooding along a river and to take actions to mitigate risk before a disaster occurs.

Even a prepared population contributes to physical security.  That doesn’t mean everyone should be a “prepper” but everyone should have the basic emergency preparations we hear about all the time as well as any specific to their region.

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